A Virtual Field Trip to the Seven Natural Wonders of the World!

Today our Geology class will be taking a virtual field trip to the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. You will go on this field trip one stop at a time in order by clicking on the stops links provided on the right side of this websites. Please first watch the introduction video and look over the learning goals to see what we are looking to learn.

1. Our first destination is Aurora Borealis also known as Northern Lights
2. Our second destination is the Grand Canyon
3. Our third destination is the Great Barrier Reef
4. Our fourth destination is the Harbour of Rio de Janeiro
5. Our fifth destination is Mount Everest
6. Our sixth destination is Paricutin
7. Our seventh and final destination is Victoria Falls

"Why are the 7 Wonders considered so awesome? Well, Let's just Imagine...

A mountain so high it almost reaches the sky
Magical dancing lights, performing through the night
Falls so tall, a dinosaur would feel small
A giant coral reef, with fish beyond belief
A canyon so vast, and carved out of the past
A volcano that grew, nearly right in front of you
A thousand tiny islands in one mountain cupped bay, no way "

Please continue the field trip by clicking on stop 2 on the right, which is labeled Learning Goals.